Monday 2 February 2015

Hegemonic values

Were Marxists right in asserting that many media texts encode hegemonic values that support the status quo?
This is correct because in general, there is a negative view of teenagers in the media. The status quo (negative view of teenagers) is supported by hegemonic values (that all teenagers are scary and will harm you) and this is encoded by media texts such as newspaper, The Sun. An example of this is as follows:

<-- this is a prime example of a media text (The Sun newspaper) encoding hegemonic values (that all teenagers get drunk consistently) that support the status quo (the general negative view of teenagers in the media)

Have minority ideologies such as gay rights now become hegemonic? How does the media promote such ideologies?
Yes, minority ideologies such as gay rights have now become hegemonic. This is promoted through the use of campaigns, such as the gay rights pardoning campaign by Benedict Cumberbatch:

 This gains support from media texts such as newspapers and is popular on social networking pages such as Twitter

Does a liberal elite or capitalist elite control the media? Research who owns the main media companies 
A capitalist elite controls the media as this is people such as Rupert Murdoch. Figures such as he has the power to decide what goes into the media, and can perpetuate the negative stereotypes of teenagers which is the hegemonic values that support the status quo - a negative story is more likely to sell! 

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