Monday 2 March 2015

London riots, Tight Jeans and Ill Manors

London riots, August 2011
'Kids take on cops in £100m rampage' (The Sun)
'Rioters aged 7' (The Sun)
'Rule of the mob' (Telegraph)
'Flaming morons' (Daily Express)
'Yob rule' (Little Independent)
'Sweep scum off our streets' (Daily Express)
'You're a disgrace to your country' (Daily Mail on olympic girl)
'Our sick society' (Daily Telegraph)

Destiny Ekaragha, Tight Jeans
Representation of youth on estates

Ill Manors, Plan B
Youth represented in negative way, coincides with London Riots. Riots happened in 2011 and the music video was released in 2012 - benefit of hindsight

What to do in the exam:TEXT
REPRESENTATION OF YOUTH how are young people represented?
KEY POINTS significance of representation
THEORY theorists to discuss
ADDITIONAL REFERENCES link discussion to articles we looked at 

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