Monday 2 March 2015

Refer to... 1940s/1950s

Teenage - Matt Wolf - 2014

Collective identity
Relationship with adults
Different themes, us and them
The establishment 

Bright young boys (first group of its' own)
Hitler youth
Civilian Cultivation Calls
Peace army calls

'gradually I learned to switch off'
New youth language of swing
Important not to look like faithful German younglets - own suits
Boys/ girls forbidden to mix, swing shows raided by police (German)
"We wanted to tell all these dumb bastards that we were different, that was all" (Tommie Scheel)
Education was not a priority
Europe was following in Americas footsteps
"We thought democracy was something worth fighting for"
"Youth of Britain is set to play their part in shaping the future"
"Why would young people fight for democracy when we are just gonna be treated like second class citizens"
"Latch key kids" - kids have to let themselves in, parents at work
Drugs, mugging, violence, criminal records, girls get attention from boys
New club: teen canteen - 6/7 names for youth clubs - start of slang

British rock and roll
USA: Elvis Presley, Marlon Brando, James Dean
Britain: Cliff Richard
Coffee bar
Select groups of people - small majorities (until just after 50s)

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